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Therastock the #1 Online Therapy Supply Store

ZPods Gen 2 (Single or Double Bunk)

by zPods
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Expected Shipping Time: 2-3 weeks

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Twin Memory Foam Mattress
Twin Memory Foam Mattress
For a relaxing and comfy space!
24" HD Smart TV
24" HD Smart TV
A perfect fit for zpods!
Expert Assembly
Expert Assembly
Have us take care of the set-up!

Introducing the NEW ZPod Generation 2 sensory sleeping pod - manufactured in the USA!

All Zpod sales require an official quote for purchasing, please contact us at or give us a call at (888) 321-1608!


Do you remember the joy of carving out your own nook to get away in when you were a child? Building your own fort in which to relax.  Wouldn’t it be great to have the ultimate cozy space? With zPods, we make that dream possible. Our capsule beds come with the following features:

SAFE SPACE: A sturdy frame and durable walls to keep kids completely safe from monsters and bad dreams!

• CONTROL PANEL: BLE 5.0 Bluetooth®-connected control panel that can be controlled from inside or outside the bed using the zPods app (on smart phone or tablet), with the option for parents to selectively lock and unlock the bed’s features, depending on the maturity of their child

LIGHT: Multi-mood LED lighting to set the environment according to mood and sleep cycle, including the option to shut out all light for uninterrupted sleep

• SOUND: Bluetooth® speakers that connect with your smart device (e.g., tablet, phone, etc.) to allow you to pipe in white noise, calming music, or whatever helps your child relax

COMFORT: A sensory-friendly environment and a memory foam twin mattress (available on request)

TEMPERATURE: Fan control that keeps air circulating and fresh (with scents and filters available this summer!)

• EASE: Sliding doors that are easy to install and remove, making cleaning and making the bed easy (with door designs that are customizable to match room decor available this fall!)

• CONVENIENCE: Shipped flat and requiring 30–45 minutes of intuitive assembly for two people

ROOM: An interior that is 6’5” from end to end

ENERGY: USB plug-ins to charge cell phones or other electronic devices

TECH: Internet TV on a high-definition screen, including Bluetooth®-enabled bone-conduction headphones that provide quality sound in a quiet environment (all available on request)



Up to 90% of children with autism have a sensory processing disorder, which means that they are very sensitive to their surroundings.

Many of these children find cozy nooks to hide out in when they become overly distraught. In fact, architects of autism-friendly environments often incorporate a nook into their design so that these children have an “escape space” in which to decompress.

LED lighting is particularly soothing for them. Drawing on all these calming elements, zPods capsule beds are a terrific place for these children to find peace.



Though the relationship with sensory processing disorder is not fully understood, it makes sense that up to 80% of children with autism also have a chronic sleep disorder.

Factors that help them to sleep better include lighting, white noise, and a removal of distractions (e.g., pictures, sound, or a messy or busy room) from their sleep environment. Many children with autism feel exposed sleeping in the open and seek out a closet, corner, or space under the bed to sleep in.

ZPods give these children a place of their own without distractions where they can feel safe while they sleep.



It’s not just children with autism who enjoy a secure and enclosed environment. Children of all stripes love a good nook to relax in.

With the right kind of nook, you can make their bedroom more calming, more restful, and more fun. We want to bring that nook to the children you care so much for and invite you to adopt our zPods solution.


 Zpod Reviews & Success Stories


Natalie is diagnosed with schizophrenia, autism, and other disorders, making sleep difficult for her and her mother. Natalie felt so exposed on her queen-size bed that she couldn’t bear to sleep on it.

Instead, she slept on the hard floor of her muggy, cramped closet, strewn with Christmas lights for the right feel, and frequently asked her mother in the middle of the night to cuddle with her.

So severe was her sleep loss that Natalie was dozing during school, missing class to get medical treatment for sleep deprivation, and wreaking havoc on her mother’s sleep, making her job more difficult.

Her mother saw a zPodsTM capsule bed and knew it would be much more comfortable and soothing environment for her daughter. Now, instead of four hours of sleep a night, Natalie sleeps more than ten hours and her mother is sleeping better, too.

"One year ago, our lives forever changed.  Natalie got her zPods bed! 

It's her comfort zone, her safe place and one of her favorite things.  When she gets worked up, she'll say, "I'm going to sit in my bed," and she comes out feeling better.  Best of al, she's getting GOOD sleep. 

No more fighting to wake her up every morning, and no more falling asleep in class.  We've found the perfect combination of medication and school schedule to make her succeed, but that wouldn't have mattered without her getting the sleep she needed."

- Leah, Natalie's mother


Madeline has Autism Spectrum Disorder and is highly functional. Her biggest challenge was keeping control when her expectations weren’t met. When they weren’t, she would launch into a tirade that could be heard throughout the entire home.

After her parents bought her a zPods bed, they noticed that Madeline would seek out her bed as a place to calm herself down when things became too distressing. She knew she was safe there.


Xander is a nine-year-old boy with autism. When his mom told him he was getting a zPods bed, he waited outside for the shipment to come every day until it was delivered to his family’s door. For a number of years before getting the bed, Xander was sleeping poorly.

In his schooling, he had a very low self-esteem because he couldn’t manage to learn to read like his peers. Several months after he started using his bed, Xander’s reading took off.

He started chanting, “I’m smart! I’m smart!” Words his mother never thought she’d hear him say.


Brothers Joseph and William

Brothers Joseph and William sleep in the same bedroom. Joseph is autistic, and William has ADHD. Although their bedtime was 8:00 p.m., both boys would keep themselves up late talking, fighting, playing, and complaining.

Joseph, whose autism is quite severe would often be up until 11:00 or as late as midnight jumping around his room stimming. Their parents set the boys up with a zPodsTM bunk and let Joseph sleep inside the enclosed portion of the bed while William slept on top.

Almost immediately, both boys started to fall asleep between 8:15 and 8:30 p.m. It turns out that they each just needed less distraction to sleep peacefully.

Their sisters, Elizabeth and Madeline (who is also autistic), now share a zPodsTM bunk, too, and are experiencing similar results. And their parents are enjoying much more quiet evenings with each other.


Kevin is hyperaggressive and autistic and was having big challenges with sleep. He would wake almost every night at 2:00 a.m. and make loud noises around the house before his parents could manage to get him to sleep again.

When his parents took him to go see a zPodsTM bed, Kevin immediately ran to the bed, got inside, enclosed himself, and completely settled down.

Now he sleeps in a zPodsTM bed every night and has stopped getting up at 2:00 a.m. He’s also sleeping longer into the morning. His bed has become a place where he can feel calmer.


Axel is about five years old and is nonverbal autistic. Before the purchase of a zPodsTM bed, his parents cannot remember a single time that Axel has slept through the night.

His average number of hours per week was approximately 25 hours. During his first week with a zPodsTM bed, Axel slept a total of 76 hours, consistently through the night.

His parents and older brother all saw increases in their sleep, too, because Axel was no longer bothering them.

"A week or so after setting up the zPods bed, Axel stopped throwing mega tantrums about going to school. According to his teachers, he is significantly more engaged and focused. 

I didn't inform them that we were buying this bed or anything, but one teacher approached me in the pickup line to tell me how much happier Axel was.  She said, "He must be sleeping better.""

- Jillian, Axel's mother


Alternative Funding Sources

We recognize that neurodiverse children come from families with varying levels of income. With therapies and special dietary and clothing requirements, these families can often be strapped for cash. We want to keep our business thriving to refine and advance the effectiveness of our sleep tool and reach more kids. But we also put a high priority on providing these beds to any family that needs one. 

To that end, we’ve been working hard to partner with programs, both governmental and private, that provide families with the things they need to help these children thrive. Our successes with grants, disability waivers, and other government programs have come because of hardworking parents who’ve advocated for their children and become familiar with navigating these sometimes confusing, bureaucratic systems.

We’ve supported them by helping them learn some of the things they’ll need to have to most likely succeed. We’ve even testified in hearings and appeals, when requested. 

Currently, we’re working with autism and sleep researchers to quantify the benefit of our zPod so that we qualify for insurance, including Medicaid. This undertaking is a slow process, but we're determined to make our beds as accessible as possible.

If you believe that you have access to funding programs that might be able to help with afford one of our beds, please contact us.  We're excited to help.


Zpod Single Bunk Dimensions:

Height: 4.25 feet

Width: 4.25 feet

Length: 7.25 feet


Zpod Double Bunk Dimensions:

Height: 4.25 feet

Width: 4.25 feet

Length: 7.8 feet


Contact us today to learn more about this innovative product!


Frequently Asked Questions

Can Adults fit?

Absolutely!  The bed length is 6 feet, 5 inches long. Which means, unless you are taller than 6 feet, 5 inches, an adult can fit just fine.

How big is the bed? What size mattress inside?

The footprint for the zPods™ Gen 2 Single is 7.25 feet long, 4.25 feet wide, and 4.25 feet tall. The footprint for the zPods™ Gen 2 Double is 7.25 feet long, 4.25 feet wide, and 7.8 feet tall. Each bed space fits a standard twin size mattress (38” X 75”).

What size mattress will fit?

Twin size.

Do we offer payment plans?

Yes! Contact us and we'll get you the information you need.

What is the weight capacity?

The bed can handle up to 300 Lbs per bunk.

The doors do not have a locking mechanism. If the child impedes the door from opening by leaning up against it or blocking the track, the doors can be removed within seconds by lifting, tilting, and pulling them out.

Where is the lock on the door located?

There is no lock on the door. It is always accessible for opening and closing.

Will my child get enough air?

The pod is not airtight and has four fans that work through holes in the structure for ventilation—two blowing in, two blowing out. With added HEPA filters (optional), this means the child is always being provided with fresh, clean air.

Will my insurance or Medicaid cover a Zpods bed?

We are diligently pursuing coverage through Medicaid, health insurance, and state agencies. It's a long process, but we're determined to make our beds as accessible as possible. We've succeeded to some degree with state programs in CA, KS, MA, MN, MO, and OH and are closing in on several other states. As for insurance coverage, it’s difficult to say how successful our efforts will be before we’ve done clinical trials (which is something we're DEFINITELY working on). If you'd like to be a part of getting the bed funded in your state, please let us know. Every success that we've achieved with getting the beds covered has been because of hard-working parents like you.

Does a television come with it?  If I choose to install one, how do it do it?

The television is sold separately. If you do choose to install one, we recommend an 18-28 inch screen television. Please contact us for instructions on how to install. It's easy to do.

How hard is it to put together?

Not very hard! It takes 2 people roughly 30 to 45 minutes to put together the zPods™ Gen 2 Single, and the zPods™ Gen 2 Double can be assembled in a little more than an hour. We provide detailed instructions and are available by phone or video chat to walk you through it if you like. If you'd rather not assemble the bed, you can add assembly to your order for just $200.